Thursday, December 13, 2012

Why is it important to develop gross motor skills in preschool children?

Developing gross motor skills is an essential part of development. Children start developing their gross motor skills from birth through obtaining control over their head, trunk and limbs and rapidly increase their abilities throughout the preschool years. Gross motor skills are essential because a child’s body develops from large movements with arms and legs to smaller more refined movements of the hands and fingers. Gross motor control enables children to develop the fine motor movements that are essential for success in the school years.

Practice Makes Perfect

Muscle strength, coordination and flexibility all affect a child’s ability to perform motor skills. Low muscle tone or poor balance can affect the ability to demonstrate mastery of skills like throwing or catching a ball, riding a bike or climbing on a jungle gym. If your child is having difficulty with games that demand gross motor control, you can help his development by adopting a positive attitude while you help him practice the skill. Children learn best when an activity is fun, so be sure to focus on the positive to keep your child’s willingness to play with you alive. With playful, supportive repetition, your child’s gross motor skills

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These boys have got some moves!

 Dance and Gymnastics are included in our 
Preschool and Childcare programs!

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