Wednesday, January 18, 2012

From Wild West to....Winter Fun!

Our SHARK kids ended our Wild West week with a plethora of campfire songs and line dancing! The favorite dance -hands down - was the line dance they learned to "Cotton Eyed Joe." Way to go Lindsey, Lesa, Madalyn, Whitney and Ashley for a great time with the kiddos!

Moving into a week of Winter Fun we started the cold day off with homemade hot chocolate and 'nilla wafers, snowman mosaics, a friendly game of Twister - Girls against the Boys, and hanging out in the water and sand tables...look for our fun with fake snow tomorrow...and we can't wait to celebrate NATIONAL PENGUIN DAY on Friday!

Rumor has it that the boys won, but I'm sure the girls are up to a rematch anyday!

Cute Snowman mosaic...

Water fun at the water table...

One of the kids thinks we should call this the hot chocolate table. I would have to agree since it does look like hot chocolate powder...

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